audio,  capturing assets,  digital storytelling,  timeless,  tips

Avoid less-than-perfect voice recordings – number 3 of 7 DS no-nos

Get your voice-recording done with a high-quality unit in a quiet room with natural acousics (neither boxy nor echoey), unless there’s an overriding reason to the contrary (e.g. you’re working with an archive recording or in an inescapably noisy environment). As I’ve said here before, the best digital stories can work as radio pieces, so aim for top radio quality when you record.

roberts radio photo
Photo by LoopZilla

Written and first published by Gareth Morlais on 18 July 2008.


  • Sandra Anstiss

    This is really important as a bad recording can ruin a story. Easy for professionals but not so easy when you start off yourself on a low budget! If trying out at home dont be put off with all the technology, there are always more cost effective alternatives. Do your research and start small then work up!

  • melyn

    Thanks Sandra. For the benefit of those who don’t know Sandra, she’s a dynamo digital storyteller with years of experience of helping people in south Wales to share their story. If you click her name on the comment above, you can see examples of stories Sandra has helped people make.

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