I’m grateful to Dr Emily Underwood-Lee of the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at University of South Wales, Cardiff, Wales, for sharing this call to quote from Social Care Wales. They want to receive quotes for the following piece of work from digital storytelling projects. I’m pasting the bilingual text verbatim here:
Stories around the Act: Digital stories
In order to inspire practitioners to work in new ways, we’re looking for real-life stories about positive ways of working, as part of our work to support the implementation of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (the Act). The purpose of the project is to capture stories that demonstrate the positive impact of new ways of working, in order to inspire those working with the Act.
Capturing real ‘stories’ (as opposed to theoretical case studies) about the impact of the Act on individual lives will provide an important addition to the range of learning materials available. Real stories will provide learning resources which demonstrate good practice and valuable learning and discussion points about the impact of doing things differently.
It is different to case studies because it focuses more on outcomes and less on processes. Stories can capture the ‘spirit’ of the Act across adults, children and carers examples.
The benefits are:
• Real examples of how the Act is impacting on individuals lives
• Examples which can be used to support a range of learning activities (training sessions, supervision, team meetings, etc)
• Supporting reflective practice
• Supporting learning on the Act for a wide range of stakeholders – practitioners, managers, policy leads, etc
We have put out a call for stories to the social care and health sector asking them to share stories about something new or different they have done that had a positive impact for the people they work with. Longer term, the intention is to build on the resource and have available stories which help us learn from what went well or what didn’t go well.
The stories will be made available in a new section of the Social Care Wales information and learning hub https://socialcare.wales/hub/home and through other channels.
This project is a collaboration between ADSS Cymru, Social Care Wales, Welsh NHS Confederation and Welsh Local Government Association.
Work required
In order to start the work, we want two or three good quality digital stories to make available on the hub. These must be real stories. These do not have to necessarily show the identity of those involved and we welcome submissions on creative ways of telling those stories in a digital format.
The stories need to include the views of practitioners and the people they have helped through working within the principles of the Act. This could also include other agencies they may have worked with, in order to demonstrate good partnership working.
The stories don’t need to be perfect but we do want to hear examples of a change or different way of doing things that had a positive impact on someone’s life, and how that made individuals and practitioners feel. The stories can reflect any of the principles below.
• People – putting the individual at the centre by giving them a stronger voice and control over services they receive
• Well-being – supporting people to achieve their own well-being building on a person’s circumstances, capabilities, networks and communities
• Earlier intervention – more preventative services, supporting people before their needs become critical
• Working together – stronger partnership working between all parties involved
We would encourage submissions that include both Welsh and English language stories, and would expect subtitles or translation where only English language stories are available.
We are looking for the work to be completed by March 2018. The maximum budget available is £10,000 (including any applicable VAT) so we will not consider quotes over that amount.
Response to quote
If this is of interest to you, please provide a response to Bethan Roberts on bethan.roberts AT socialcare.wales by Friday, 29 December 2017 at 12pm.
The response will include:
• How you propose to identify stories that show different ways of working under the Act
• Experience of producing digital stories and managing permissions. We would also expect you to demonstrate how you will manage the ethics associated with filming and using images.
• Confirmation of capacity to design and deliver a minimum of two stories by early March 2018
• Confirmation of willingness to work with Social Care Wales to agree the practical arrangements
• Costs options for two or three digital stories, including Welsh language considerations
Please note, Social Care Wales will own the intellectual property on any digital stories that are produced.
Any queries on the work are to be directed to rebecca.cicero at socialcare.wales
Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru’n gwahodd dyfynbrisiau am y gwaith canlynol:
Straeon y Ddeddf: Straeon digidol
Er mwyn ysbrydoli ymarferwyr i weithio mewn ffyrdd newydd rydym yn chwilio am straeon o fywyd go iawn, am ffyrdd cadarnhaol o weithio, fel rhan o’n gwaith i gefnogi gweithrediad Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 (y Deddf). Pwrpas y prosiect yw casglu straeon sy’n dangos effaith gadarnhaol y ffyrdd newydd o weithio, er mwyn ysbrydoli’r rhai sy’n gweithio gyda’r Ddeddf.
Bydd casglu ‘straeon’ go iawn (yn hytrach nag astudiaethau achos damcaniaethol) am effaith y Ddeddf ar fywydau unigolion yn ychwanegiad pwysig at yr amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau dysgu sydd ar gael. Bydd straeon go iawn yn darparu adnoddau dysgu sy’n dangos arfer da a phwyntiau dysgu a thrafod gwerthfawr am effaith gwneud pethau’n wahanol.
Mae’n wahanol i astudiaethau achos gan ei fod yn canolbwyntio mwy ar ganlyniadau a llai ar brosesau. Gall straeon ddal ‘ysbryd’ y Ddeddf wrth gyflwyno enghreifftiau o achosion oedolion, plant a gofalwyr.
Y manteision yw:
• Enghreifftiau go iawn o sut mae’r Ddeddf yn effeithio ar fywydau unigolion
• Enghreifftiau y gellir eu defnyddio i gefnogi amrywiaeth o weithgareddau dysgu (sesiynau hyfforddi, goruchwylio, cyfarfodydd tîm ac ati)
• Cefnogi ymarfer myfyriol
• Cefnogi gwaith dysgu am y Ddeddf ymysg ystod eang o randdeiliaid – ymarferwyr, rheolwyr, arweinwyr polisi ac ati
Rydym wedi gwahodd straeon gan y sector gofal cymdeithasol gan ofyn iddynt rannu straeon am rywbeth newydd neu wahanol maent wedi’i wneud sydd wedi cael effaith gadarnhaol ar y bobl maent yn gweithio gyda nhw. Yn y tymor hir, y bwriad yw adeiladu ar yr adnodd hwn a chael straeon a fydd yn ein helpu ni i ddysgu o’r hyn wnaeth weithio’n dda a’r pethau na weithiodd cystal.
Bydd y straeon yn ymddangos mewn adran newydd ar hyb gwybodaeth a dysgu Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru https://gofalcymdeithasol.cymru/hyb/hafan a sianeli eraill. Mae’r prosiect hwn yn gydweithrediad rhwng ADSS Cymru, Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru, Cydffederasiwn GIG Cymru a Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru.
Gwaith sy’n ofynnol
Er mwyn dechrau’r gwaith rydym am gael dwy neu dair stori ddigidol o ansawdd da i’w rhoi ar yr hyb. Mae’n rhaid i’r rhain fod yn straeon go iawn. Nid oes rhaid iddynt ddangos hunaniath y rhai yn y stori o reidrwydd ac rydym yn croesawu cyflwyniadau ar ffyrdd creadigol o adrodd y straeon hyn mewn fformat digidol.
Mae angen i’r straeon gynnwys barn ymarferwyr a’r bobl maent wedi’u helpu drwy weithio o fewn egwyddorion y Deddf. Gallai hyn gynnwys asiantaethau maent wedi gweithio gyda nhw hefyd, er mwyn dangos gwaith partneriaeth da.
Nid oes rhaid i’r straeon fod yn berffaith ond rydym am glywed enghreifftiau o newid neu ffordd wahanol o wneud pethau sydd wedi cael effaith gadarnhaol ar fywyd rhywun, a sut mae hyn wedi gwneud i’r unigolyn a’r ymarferydd deimlo. Gall y straeon adlewyrchu unrhyw un o’r egwyddorion isod.
• Pobl – rhoi’r unigolyn yn y canol drwy roi llais cryfach iddo a mwy o reolaeth dros y gwasanaethau y mae’n eu derbyn
• Llesiant – cefnogi pobl i sicrhau eu llesiant eu hunain, gan adeiladu ar amgylchiadau, gallu, rhwydweithiau a chymunedau
• Ymyrraeth gynnar – mwy o wasanaethau ataliol, yn cefnogi pobl cyn i’w hanghenion
droi’n argyfyngus
• Cydweithio – mwy o weithio mewn partneriaeth rhwng yr holl bartïon dan sylw
Rydym yn annog cyflwyniadau sy’n cynnwys straeon Cymraeg a Saesneg, ac yn disgwyl isdeitlau neu gyfieithu pan ddarperir straeon Saesneg yn unig.
Rydym yn chwilio am y gwaith i’w gwblhau erbyn mis Mawrth 2018. Yr uchafswm o gyllideb sydd ar gael yw £10,000 (gan gynnwys unrhyw TAW) felly ni fyddwn yn ystyried dyfynbrisiau dros y swm hwnnw.
Ymateb i ddyfynbris
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb, anfonwch ymateb at Bethan Roberts yn bethan.roberts AT gofalcymdeithasol.cymru erbyn canol dydd, dydd Gwener, 29 Rhagfyr 2017 at 12yp.
Bydd yr ymateb yn cynnwys:
• Sut rydych chi’n bwriadu nodi straeon sy’n dangos gwahanol ffyrdd o weithio o dan y Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles
• Profiad o gynhyrchu straeon digidol a rheoli caniatadau. Byddem hefyd yn disgwyl i chi ddangos sut y byddwch yn rheoli’r moeseg sy’n gysylltiedig â ffilmio a defnyddio delweddau
• Cadarnhad o allu i gynllunio a darparu o leiaf ddwy stori erbyn mis Mawrth 2018
• Cadarnhad o barodrwydd i weithio gyda Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru i gytuno ar drefniadau ymarferol
• Opsiynau costau ar gyfer dwy neu dair stori ddigidol, yn cynnwys unrhyw ystyriaethau o ran y Gymraeg
Nodwch, Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru fydd yn meddu ar yr eiddo deallusol ar unrhyw straeon digidol a gynhyrchir.
Anfonwch unrhyw ymholiadau am y gwaith at rebecca.cicero AT gofalcymdeithasol.cymru