Photographer guilt stems from the disarray of our photographic collections on various devices and lack of legacy archive planning. Back in the day when we used film and had our photographs developed and printed, there were two things that were different from today’s digital image world. We were more careful about the images we captured because there was stock and production to pay for. We could put our hands on our proudest images because we’d move them from the developer’s envelope into photo albums and scrapbooks. Today, we snap more images. They’re kept on different places: phones, cameras, storage cards and drives, hard drives, laptops and in the cloud. It’s…
What would a montage of one second of video filmed every day of your life look like?
1 Second Everyday – Age 30 from Cesar Kuriyama on Vimeo. Cesar Kuriyama crowdfunded this app which helps you shoot a second of video a day. When you stitch all the bits together, you end up with a jerky but compelling patchwork quilt of your days. I heard of this via @ess_dubbwya on Twitter.
A gentle introduction to Creative Commons for digital storytellers
Copyright in the old days: All of this is owned by me, contact me if you want to discuss the possibility of re-using it. Copyright nowadays: You can still use the above model. Or… You can state explicitly and irrevocably up front that you’re happy for people to re-use your intellectual property in certain stated circumstances without them having to come to ask your permission every time. This is attractive to those making digital stories who want the world to be able to share and re-embed what they’ve made. And a knowlege of this kind of license is useful for someone who wants to include other people’s work within their…
- capturing assets, digital storytelling, education, instruction, museums, people, story, timeless, tips
Digital storytelling admin
I’ve just been speaking on Facebook with south Wales digital storytelling and community video practitioner Sandra Anstiss. She’s venturing into the private sector making stories with owners, marketing staff, customers, etc. and she was asking members of the Facebook DS Working Group for advice about consents and copyright. I’d say there are three or more issues here… 1. The stated consent of the storyteller and featured subjects; 2. Some form of evidence that any third-party assets are OK to use (other people’s pics, music, etc.); and 3. Something that says who owns the finished digital story entity. Once these are established, it becomes possible to license the story’s re-publication elsewhere,…
Learn how to shoot for the web and edit video archive mashups
Welsh media trainers Cyfle have two tantalising training courses which are open for registration now: 1. Archive Mashup Learn how to mix diverse archive video clips and sounds. A part-time course beginning 26 March 2012 2. Shooting for the web Learn how to plan, script, shoot, edit and upload footage specifically for the web and mobile devices. Using Sony EX3 cameras, the trainer is Simon Walker. A three-day course from 12-14 March 2012 For details of course fees, application and selection process, go to Cyfle’s website. The courses are held in Wales.
Using your mobile phone as a digital storytelling tool
My friend Bethan is planning a workshop to train artists and business people in using their mobile phones to tell stories about the work they do and she asked me for some ideas. I had a chat and then sent her these four links and I thought I’d share them with you here too: Vlog tutorial This short video tutorial is from one of the pioneering video blogging sites. Great tips from the Video Nation archive. Citizen media network Witness Video Advocacy offers craft and safety tips here. The old BBC Scotland digital storytelling project Highland Lives offered this valuable PDF document with useful tips on planning your shoot and…
Free photographic workshops in Aberystwyth
Here’s news of a free training opportunity for artists and youth workers from Aberystyth Arts Centre. The Using Photography workshop takes place over three days: 27 & 28 September and 4 October 2010. This practical workshop in B&W photography will explore good practice when taking and printing photographs, especially in relation to working with young people Sessions are FREE. There are a limited number of spaces available. For more information/to book a space please contact Tel: 01970 622338 The workshops are made possible by ‘Reach the Heights’ – a major Welsh Assembly Government initiative aimed at reducing the number of young people in Wales aged 11 – 19 years…
How do you solve a problem like portrait?
Showing landscape-oriented photos and still images in your digital story is straightforward. You just crop, constraining dimensions to 768 x 576 pixels, or whichever dimensions you use. But how do you crop and display portrait-oriented images in your story? If you want full control over the way your portrait-oriented photos are shown in your digital story, here are the steps I use when explaining cropping and showing them. In Photoshop… change background colour to Black (usually) Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool. When you click and drag out, you’ll notice the ‘marching ants’ around your selection On the top Menu bar: Edit > Copy Menu: File > New > Background colour…
Flip videoblogging tips video
Verdi’s made this concise, useful training video about using consumer camcorders for the citizen journalism end of the video blogging spectrum at Freevlog.
Bug eats VHS
Anyone who filmed home video from the 1980s -90s will is likely to have that footage in the VHS tape medium. I’ve just seen an item on a TV programme called Sunday Life which warned that fungus is attacking these old tapes. So now may be a good time to digitise these old recordings. The way I’ll probably do this is to make real-time recordings from VHS to miniDV and then use Firewire to ingest that footage onto my hard disk where I can import it into an editing package and then render it out as a DV PAL file. I should probably use an open standard like DIV-X in…