Students benefit from maintaining online multimedia portfolios of their work – blogfolios – according to Jason Ohler, author of the book ‘Digital Storytelling in the Classroom’: “As part of the technology infusion coursework, each student creates a ‘blogfolio’ that serves as both a work repository and reflection venue throughout the year. The work they create includes digital stories, documentaries, slide presentations, diagrams and artwork, podcasts, screen casts, lesson plans, units of instruction and essays. A typical blogfolio entry consists of a reflective text piece, which includes links to media they have created for an assignment that they have posted on the web using services such as YouTube, SlideShare and Google…
How to tell a story using five 5-second clips
Here’s an example from Stockholm of a visual narrative (no voice) made by editing together five very short clips. With this previous post in mind, it’s just good to see experiments like this.
DS4 speakers announced
Just announced: DS4’s programme looks great with Huw Davies (BBC Capture Wales), Annette Mees (Coney’s Shoreditch Ball Park), Bonnie Shaw (Snap-Shot-Storytelling) and fascinating breakouts. The new DS4 website is live: and you can book online for £14.50.
DS4 call for stories
If you or your organisation would like screen-space to show digital stories – or to have your own stand – at DS4, Sophie Bennett of Aberystwyth Arts Centre can help. Her contact details are sob at aber dot ac dot uk Tel. 01970 622338. DS4 takes place in Aberystwyth on 17th June 2009.
Flip videoblogging tips video
Verdi’s made this concise, useful training video about using consumer camcorders for the citizen journalism end of the video blogging spectrum at Freevlog.
Second International Day for Sharing Life Stories
May 16th is the second International Day for Sharing Life Stories – a chance to “celebrate and promote life stories, as a way to encourage critical thinking, cultural democratization and social transformation.” The organisers are The Museum of the Person International Network and the Center for Digital Storytelling and, if you’d like to organise an activity, you can contact them via
Newport storytelling course
Digital Storytelling courses for people aged 55+ in Newport, SE Wales at the Riverside