• digital storytelling,  instruction,  media literacy,  people,  story,  timeless,  Wales

    What is a digital story and digital storytelling?

    Six features of the digital story we helped people to make as part of the BBC Capture Wales and Cipolwg ar Gymru digital storytelling project, which ran from 2001-2008 at BBC Cymru Wales were that the digital story is:  a video of about two minutes duration 2. a personal, usually true, story written and voiced by the individual  storyteller 3. a “considered narrative” (Daniel Meadows) usually scripted by the storyteller (c250 words) or proactively told, not reactively in response to a media professional’s questioning 4. illustrated with 20 or so of the storyteller’s own photos or images – sometimes including a short video clip – edited together by the storyteller to make…

  • conference,  digital storytelling,  education,  media literacy,  Wales

    7 diary dates for UK digital storytellers in Jan & Feb 2014

    Information Session on the new Creative Europe programme MEDIA Antenna Wales and Media Academy Wales present an information session on the new Creative Europe programme at the University of South Wales, Atrium Cardiff Campus on Thursday 16 January 2014. ================================================== Guardian Masterclass on video journalism and digital storytelling Learn what it takes to create powerful and engaging video journalism – technically and editorially – from multimedia journalists who have made hundreds of short films for the Guardian. Dates: Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January 2014 Times: 10am-5.30pm In London ================================================ Social Media Exchange – Enhance your Digital Storytelling By sounddelivery Monday 27 January 2014 from 09:00 to 18:00 in London…

  • conference,  digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  inclusion,  japan,  media literacy,  mobile,  people,  story,  technology,  Wales

    DS8 digital storytelling conference review 2013

    Digital storytellers from as far afield as Japan to Norway and from Egypt to Canton gathered together in Cardiff on 14 June 2013 for the DS8 digital storytelling conference. The host, Karen Lewis, co-director of the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling thanked the sponsors – the Arts Council of Wales – welcomed everyone on behalf of DS Cymru and introduced the first guest speaker. (All speakers’ biographies are on the DS8 site) Personal factual participation & collaboration are themes running through Mandy Rose‘s Video Nation, Capture Wales and academic career. Speaking of her time with BBC Video Nation, she said: “I think the veto we gave Video Nation diarists to opt out of…

  • capturing assets,  conference,  media literacy,  mobile,  timeless

    The guilt every photographer feels

    Photographer guilt stems from the disarray of our photographic collections on various devices and  lack of legacy archive planning. Back in the day when we used film and had our photographs developed and printed, there were two things that were different from today’s digital image world. We were more careful about the images we captured because there was stock and production to pay for. We could put our hands on our proudest images because we’d move them from the developer’s envelope into photo albums and scrapbooks. Today, we snap more images. They’re kept on different places: phones, cameras, storage cards and drives, hard drives, laptops and in the cloud. It’s…

  • citizenship,  conference,  digital storytelling,  inclusion,  media literacy,  museums,  story,  Wales

    Telling Truths, Changing Minds – digital storytelling evening

    As a round-up of digital storytelling activities in south Wales, it’s hard to beat this event TELLING TRUTHS, CHANGING MINDS in Cardiff, Wales, on Thursday, 29 November 2012. It’s been organised by the CommsCymru network for communications professionals in Wales and it’s open to all members of that CommsCymru network (joining details below). The event is all about the ‘practice and tactics for making effective comms narratives plus the latest applied research from experts at our national centre for storytelling’. The programme is impressive: Professor Hamish Fyfe of the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at the University of Glamorgan will be hosting the evening. Lisa Heledd-Jones of StoryWorks will…

  • capturing assets,  education,  instruction,  media literacy

    A gentle introduction to Creative Commons for digital storytellers

    Copyright in the old days: All of this is owned by me, contact me if you want to discuss the possibility of re-using it. Copyright nowadays: You can still use the above model. Or… You can state explicitly and irrevocably up front that you’re happy for people to re-use your intellectual property in certain stated circumstances without them having to come to ask your permission every time. This is attractive to those making digital stories who want the world to be able to share and re-embed what they’ve made. And a knowlege of this kind of license is useful for someone who wants to include other people’s work within their…

  • digital storytelling,  instruction,  media literacy,  people,  story,  timeless,  tips,  Wales

    9 things digital storytellers can learn from Steven Moffat, Doctor Who & Sherlock writer

    Here are some lessons digital storytellers can learn from Steven Moffat, based on advice he gave in an interview: 1. Imagine someone with their hat on, their coat half on, stepping out of the door. Make them say: “I’ll just keep watching until I find out what this is about” 2. Have a big whallop at the start. 3. Start with a promise of something you’re going to deliver 4. Surprise them 5. Try to think of a brand new idea. 6. Keep giving them reasons not to turn off 7. Try to make what you do appeal to _everybody_, then you’ve a chance of making it somebody’s favourite. 8.…

  • digital storytelling,  education,  media literacy,  mobile,  story

    Center for Digital Storytelling’s Joe Lambert teaching iPhone storytelling in London 2-4 June

    Joe Lambert, CDS Founder and Director, is coming to Cardiff to DS7 on 7 June 2012. While he’s in the UK he’s leading an iPhone workshop in London on June 2-4. Here’s the info from CDS: “Join CDS Founder and Director Joe Lambert on a weekend walk through the old City of London to explore your story against the backdrop of London streets. Using iPhones, iPads or iPod Touch, you will shoot, record, edit and complete a short film. See http://www.storycenter.org/iphone-workshop/ for more information. Special offer – Sliding Scale $100-$300/participant. Limit 15 participants.” For details, email workshop@storycenter.org This sounds like a diamond opportunity for UK Digital Storytellers to learn about…

  • digital storytelling,  digitalstorytellingpod,  education,  empowerment,  links,  media literacy,  people,  story

    Digital Storytelling Pod Ep02-Tamales and Stories with Cheryl Colan

    This is the second episode of the audio podcast for digital storytellers: Digital Storytelling Pod with Gareth Morlais. (See ep01 too). dspod-ep02.mp3 (Right-click and ‘Save Link As…’ if you’d like to save the audio mp3 file ‘Open Link in New Tab’ if you want to keep the shownotes open) Cheryl Colan is a digital storyteller and trainer from Phoenix, Arizona, USA. I recorded this interview with Cheryl in Cardiff, Wales, July 2011. She was in the UK leading a Digital Storytelling summer school with Study Abroad Britain. She’s led digital training groups to Australia and her motto is Trust Your Story. Shownotes: links Cheryl Colan – http://hummingcrow.com Shelley Rodrigo –…