Six features of the digital story we helped people to make as part of the BBC Capture Wales and Cipolwg ar Gymru digital storytelling project, which ran from 2001-2008 at BBC Cymru Wales were that the digital story is: a video of about two minutes duration 2. a personal, usually true, story written and voiced by the individual storyteller 3. a “considered narrative” (Daniel Meadows) usually scripted by the storyteller (c250 words) or proactively told, not reactively in response to a media professional’s questioning 4. illustrated with 20 or so of the storyteller’s own photos or images – sometimes including a short video clip – edited together by the storyteller to make…
Running a personal storytelling workshop with a large group
This article is about running a storytelling workshop with a large group. Canadian digital storyteller Kent Manning contacted Barrie Stephenson and I recently with a question: “I’m conducting a digital storytelling session next month for a group of 26 educators. I value the story circle part of the process as this is the way I was taught by the folks at CDS. Would you have any suggestions for conducting story circle time with such a large group? Would you have individuals share their stories with the large group? Small group sharing perhaps?” Here’s what I suggest: 26 is a big group. You could either split it into three and hold…
A gentle introduction to Creative Commons for digital storytellers
Copyright in the old days: All of this is owned by me, contact me if you want to discuss the possibility of re-using it. Copyright nowadays: You can still use the above model. Or… You can state explicitly and irrevocably up front that you’re happy for people to re-use your intellectual property in certain stated circumstances without them having to come to ask your permission every time. This is attractive to those making digital stories who want the world to be able to share and re-embed what they’ve made. And a knowlege of this kind of license is useful for someone who wants to include other people’s work within their…
9 things digital storytellers can learn from Steven Moffat, Doctor Who & Sherlock writer
Here are some lessons digital storytellers can learn from Steven Moffat, based on advice he gave in an interview: 1. Imagine someone with their hat on, their coat half on, stepping out of the door. Make them say: “I’ll just keep watching until I find out what this is about” 2. Have a big whallop at the start. 3. Start with a promise of something you’re going to deliver 4. Surprise them 5. Try to think of a brand new idea. 6. Keep giving them reasons not to turn off 7. Try to make what you do appeal to _everybody_, then you’ve a chance of making it somebody’s favourite. 8.…
- capturing assets, digital storytelling, education, instruction, museums, people, story, timeless, tips
Digital storytelling admin
I’ve just been speaking on Facebook with south Wales digital storytelling and community video practitioner Sandra Anstiss. She’s venturing into the private sector making stories with owners, marketing staff, customers, etc. and she was asking members of the Facebook DS Working Group for advice about consents and copyright. I’d say there are three or more issues here… 1. The stated consent of the storyteller and featured subjects; 2. Some form of evidence that any third-party assets are OK to use (other people’s pics, music, etc.); and 3. Something that says who owns the finished digital story entity. Once these are established, it becomes possible to license the story’s re-publication elsewhere,…
Using your mobile phone as a digital storytelling tool
My friend Bethan is planning a workshop to train artists and business people in using their mobile phones to tell stories about the work they do and she asked me for some ideas. I had a chat and then sent her these four links and I thought I’d share them with you here too: Vlog tutorial This short video tutorial is from one of the pioneering video blogging sites. Great tips from the Video Nation archive. Citizen media network Witness Video Advocacy offers craft and safety tips here. The old BBC Scotland digital storytelling project Highland Lives offered this valuable PDF document with useful tips on planning your shoot and…
Developing the one-hour digital storytelling form, with a video example
I’ve been piloting the one-hour digital storytelling form I want to present at the #storycamp get-together in Ludlow on Saturday (1 Oct 2011). (If the embedded video won’t play, here’s a link to it on Here are the ingredients: – one object you can hold in your hand which is related to a place that’s special to you. Two photos are taken: the first is a close-up of the object or photo itself; the second photo is of you holding it. – a personal story of fewer than 100 words or 45 seconds which you’ll record (tell or read) onto an mp3 file (via phone or voice recorder) –…
Digital Storytelling Pod Ep01-How to make a DS on iPad with Barrie Stephenson
This is the first episode of a new monthly audio podcast for digital storytellers: Digital Storytelling Pod with Gareth Morlais. dspod-ep01.mp3 Barrie Stevenson of Digistories sums up his experiences of using iPad v2 to help people make digital stories. This interview was recorded in Aberystwyth, Wales, June 2011 when the version 2 of the iPad had not long been introduced in the UK. Shownotes: links Barrie Stephenson – Links to Barrie’s other projects can be found on this site. DS6 – iPad – The next episode will feature Cheryl Colan. The audio is released under Creative Commons license: Digital Storytelling Pod Ep01 by Gareth Morlais is licensed…
One-hour digital storytelling?
Is there a form of digital storytelling that can give people a taste of what’s possible in just one hour? That’s the question Nicky Getgood and I wrestled with when we met earlier today. Nicky works with Talk About Local and edits the Digbeth is Good hyperlocal online site. The 1 October 2011 #Storycamp in Ludlow is what Nicky was inspired to organise after she attended DS6. Nicky and I began by looking back at the Capture Wales project, then we wondered about what kinds of video outputs might be produced at the Ludlow #Storycamp. The model we’re considering piloting consists of: – four images, including titles; – half a…
How your own hand can help you find your story
Here’s an idea you can try at the story-origination phase of your next digital storytelling workshop. Ask everyone to place their hand on a blank piece of paper and draw round it, kindergarten style. Ask people to write a line on each digit, in response to this: Little finger: what’s the best thing that’s happened to you so far this year? Ring finger: Looking further back in time, name one highlight of your life. Middle finger: thinking of your family, what makes you most proud of being you? Did your grandfather have a fascinating job? Has your family made its mark in your town? Index finger: pointing to the future,…