Blogroll,  digital storytelling,  links

Who’s missing from this list of 43 Digital Storytelling Influencers?

As part of the process of redesigning this Aberth Digital Storytelling blog, I decided to look again at the links from the point of view of listing some of the digital storytelling people and projects who’ve influenced me over the years. Here’s the first draft. I know I’ve left many people off this list. If there’s someone from the field of digital storytelling you’d like me to consider adding, please use the Comments system to let me know.

Staff of National Library of Wales accepting the BBC Digital Storytelling archive for safe keeping
Staff of National Library of Wales accepting the BBC Digital Storytelling archive for safe keeping from Digital Storytellers Dai Evans, Rhian Cadwaladr and Alan Thomas at DS4 in 2009 in Aberystwyth, Wales.


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