digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  empowerment,  instruction,  media literacy,  story,  tips,  Wales

Aberystwyth DS4 Festival advance details

Here are the latest details about the fourth annual festival of digital storytelling in Aberystwyth, Wales, on Wednesday 17 June 2009, from a press release from Aberystwyth Arts Centre:

Following on from the success of DS3 the fourth festival of Digital Storytelling DS4 aims to inspire and encourage and show the exciting possibilities of Digital Storytelling and brings you up to date with what is happening in the world of Digital Storytelling.

Whether you work in education, the community or as an artist, it is your opportunity to share experiences, explore new creative ideas, see the latest technological developments, look at examples of best practice in the U.K. and worldwide and celebrate the growing significance of Digital Storytelling

The Digital Storytelling movement is based on the belief that everyone has a story to tell and that new technology has opened up many opportunities to tell those stories on websites, DVD screens and terrestrial TV.  Digital Storytelling has been pioneered in Wales through the BBC Capture Wales project.

– Inspirational speakers
– Breakout sessions with key organisations
– Workshops
– Trade stands
– Projects/Funding Opportunities/Technology/Networks
– Digital storytelling Showcase, showing stories from Wales and the UK

Festival Ticket costs £14.50, including tea/coffee and buffet lunch.

Accommodation is available on the university Campus 01970 622772 or town accommodation.

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