digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  Wales

News from the Center for Digital Storytelling

Joe Lambert of CDS just emailed some news that will be of interest to digital storytellers in the UK, Europe and beyond:

1. Joe’s giving the keynote at DS5 – the fifth Digital Storytelling Conference – in Aberystwyth, Wales, on Wednesday 16 June 2010. The cost is GBP15.

2 There’s a CDS Digital Storytelling workshop from the afternoon 17- 19 June 2010 at the Knowledge Lab, London: The workshop is open to the public and you can find out more about it and register at The cost is $495.

3. Lillehmammer Digital Storytelling Conference takes place in Norway from February 5th – 7th 201. It’s the conference’s fourth year and this year’s title is “Create – Share – Listen”. Apart from Joe Lambert and colleagues from CDS, speakers include Glynda Hull, UC Berkeley;  Bjarke Myrthu; Storyplanet, Knut Lundby; Mediatized stories, Simon Strömberg; “Rum för berättande” and John Hartley; editor of the book ‘Story Circle’. Conference website: has the program outline, themes and call for contributions. Registration details will be announced nearer the time.

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