Joe Lambert of CDS just emailed some news that will be of interest to digital storytellers in the UK, Europe and beyond:
1. Joe’s giving the keynote at DS5 – the fifth Digital Storytelling Conference – in Aberystwyth, Wales, on Wednesday 16 June 2010. The cost is GBP15.
2 There’s a CDS Digital Storytelling workshop from the afternoon 17- 19 June 2010 at the Knowledge Lab, London: The workshop is open to the public and you can find out more about it and register at The cost is $495.
3. Lillehmammer Digital Storytelling Conference takes place in Norway from February 5th – 7th 201. It’s the conference’s fourth year and this year’s title is “Create – Share – Listen”. Apart from Joe Lambert and colleagues from CDS, speakers include Glynda Hull, UC Berkeley; Bjarke Myrthu; Storyplanet, Knut Lundby; Mediatized stories, Simon Strömberg; “Rum för berättande” and John Hartley; editor of the book ‘Story Circle’. Conference website: has the program outline, themes and call for contributions. Registration details will be announced nearer the time.