I’ve been piloting the one-hour digital storytelling form I want to present at the #storycamp get-together in Ludlow on Saturday (1 Oct 2011). (If the embedded video won’t play, here’s a link to it on blip.tv) Here are the ingredients: – one object you can hold in your hand which is related to a place that’s special to you. Two photos are taken: the first is a close-up of the object or photo itself; the second photo is of you holding it. – a personal story of fewer than 100 words or 45 seconds which you’ll record (tell or read) onto an mp3 file (via phone or voice recorder) –…
Digital Storytelling Pod Ep01-How to make a DS on iPad with Barrie Stephenson
This is the first episode of a new monthly audio podcast for digital storytellers: Digital Storytelling Pod with Gareth Morlais. dspod-ep01.mp3 Barrie Stevenson of Digistories sums up his experiences of using iPad v2 to help people make digital stories. This interview was recorded in Aberystwyth, Wales, June 2011 when the version 2 of the iPad had not long been introduced in the UK. Shownotes: links Barrie Stephenson – http://digistories.co.uk. Links to Barrie’s other projects can be found on this site. DS6 – http://digstocymru.ning.com iPad – http://www.apple.com/ipad/ The next episode will feature Cheryl Colan. The audio is released under Creative Commons license: Digital Storytelling Pod Ep01 by Gareth Morlais is licensed…
One-hour digital storytelling?
Is there a form of digital storytelling that can give people a taste of what’s possible in just one hour? That’s the question Nicky Getgood and I wrestled with when we met earlier today. Nicky works with Talk About Local and edits the Digbeth is Good hyperlocal online site. The 1 October 2011 #Storycamp in Ludlow is what Nicky was inspired to organise after she attended DS6. Nicky and I began by looking back at the Capture Wales project, then we wondered about what kinds of video outputs might be produced at the Ludlow #Storycamp. The model we’re considering piloting consists of: – four images, including titles; – half a…
Daniel Meadows – early photographic works (video)
Many readers of this blog will be familiar with the work of Daniel Meadows. He was founder and creative director of BBC Capture Wales and teaches digital storytelling module at Cardiff University. Before this, he was a well-known documentary photographer. There are retrospective views of his work coming soon: 1. in the form of a new book called “Daniel Meadows: Edited Photographs from the 70s and 80s” by Val Williams. Published by Photoworks. 2. in an exhibition at the National Media Museum, Bradford, called “Daniel Meadows: Early Photographic Works” curated by Val Williams. It runs from 30th September 2011 – 19th February 2012. Daniel has just published a video setting…