I was asked a question on Twitter yesterday by @katycom1972:
@digitalst Would like to explore digital storytelling with my 2nd graders. Any tips on getting started? We use a MAC/Imovie 9. Thx!
It’s incredibly difficult to fit any sensible advice into 140 characters. What I really wanted to say was:
- it’s the story that’s the most important bit of the process; if you get a good story, a great digital story is within reach
- working in an expertly-facilitated group or groups is a good way for individuals to bring out the best from their stories
- the facilitator needs to prescribe a form. This helps people know what they’re making. E.g. 250 words, personal, using your own stuff
- steering people away from generic subject like race, equality, ‘this great country of ours’ type themes and onto personal subject is a good idea
- etc, etc, and I still haven’t moved into technical advice…
Because I had only 140 characters and because I didn’t have time to write this blog post and send @katycom1972 a link to it, this is what I ended up Tweeting:
@katycom1972 my advice: focus on individuals’ own stories – not big ‘issues’- and let them use their own ‘stuff’, not Googled images.
How would you advise Katy in 140 or fewer characters?
Written and first published by Gareth Morlais on 6 May 2010.