The George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling hosted this year’s annual Digital Storytelling Festival DS7 at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, on Thursday 7th June 2012. It has been held in each of the previous six years at Aberystwyth Arts Centre. This is my annual cribsheet, looking back at the day. There are links to past festivals at the end of this post. Annie Correal Cowbird, opened the batting at DS7 and she made everyone gasp when she revealed that her father had been kidnapped and held hostage in Colombia. You can hear about what happened in Episode 409 of This American Life. Cowbird was hatched when Annie met Jonathan Harris…
DS7 digital storytelling festival ticketing and speakers announced
The main speakers and registration details for the DS7 Digital Storytelling Festival 2012 have just been officially announced. DS7 will be held at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Wales, on the 7th of June 2012. Tickets for the day cost £40, available from the DS7 website. Here are the details from the mail-out from Karen Lewis of the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling, University of Glamorgan, who are hosting this year’s festival. This year’s speakers include: Annie Correal of the Cowbird storytelling community Natasha Armstrong of the Historypin mapping-meets-storytelling project Patrizia Braga and Steve Bellis of pan-European digital storytelling partnership DeTales Alyson Fielding of the Tower of…
Call for Speakers: DS7 #digitalstorytelling festival in Wales
The organisers of the DS7 digital storytelling festival in Wales have a new website and there’s a call for speakers. Here are the details from the site: “If you would like to contribute to the festival, please email klewis (at) glam (dot) ac (dot) uk with an abstract of 200 – 300 words outlining what you would like to present. Please submit by February 25th 2012” source
Date of DS7 #digitalstorytelling festival announced by George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling
I’ve just had this note from Karen Lewis, project lead of StoryWorks and co-director of the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling: “The seventh annual Digital Storytelling festival is happening in Cardiff this year, not Aberystwyth. It will be hosted by the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling (University of Glamorgan), and will be held in Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff on Thursday June 7th. “There will be more publicity out in due course, but I wanted to give you all the date for your diary now as you may be interested in attending.”
- citizenship, conference, digital storytelling, empowerment, inclusion, japan, links, media literacy, people, story
Designing a New Media Forest of Japan
Japanese participatory media research group MELL Platz is conducting a public research seminar "Designing A New Media Forest of Japan: From Civic Generated Narratives and Memories of Post 3.11" on 10 December 2011
Relato Digital Storytelling in Spain
I heard today (via @jorech) about the International Conference on Digital Storytelling – Relato Digital Storytelling – at the University of Valentia, Spain, 21-23 March 2012. The main speakers are: Bernard Robin, University of Houston, USA, on the educational uses of digital storytelling Dr. Jose Luis Rodríguez Illera, Universitat de Barcelona Dra. Esperanza Roman-Mendoza, George Mason University There’s a wide range of applications of digital storytelling listed in the programme: from educational to cultural; from TEFL to tools. Registration for the conference and workshops costs 120 euro, rising by 20 euro next year, There’s a call for papers which includes many categories. The deadline for abstracts is 15 October 2011.