conference,  digital storytelling,  education

Relato Digital Storytelling in Spain

I heard today (via @jorech) about the International Conference on Digital Storytelling – Relato Digital Storytelling – at the University of Valentia, Spain, 21-23 March 2012.

The main speakers are:

  • Bernard Robin, University of Houston, USA, on the educational uses of digital storytelling
  • Dr. Jose Luis Rodríguez Illera, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Dra. Esperanza Roman-Mendoza, George Mason University

There’s a wide range of applications of digital storytelling listed in the programme: from educational to cultural; from TEFL to tools.

Registration for the conference and workshops costs 120 euro, rising by 20 euro next year,

There’s a call for papers which includes many categories. The deadline for abstracts is 15 October 2011.

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