digital storytelling,  media literacy,  Wales

Bridging the digital divide in Wales – Communities 2.0 hiring director

Communities 2.0 is hiring a director (£41-44k ) to help bridge the digital divide by tackling digital exclusion in convergence areas of Wales. Communities 2.0 will also try to mitigate some of the social inequalities derived from low incomes, poor health, limited skills or disabilities. Here’s the text of the job ad with thanks to Karen Lewis who sent it to me:


Employer: Wales Co-operative Centre

Posted: 15 Sep 2009

Location: South East Wales

Industry:  Senior Executive – Third Sector

Contract: Permanent, subject to continued funding

Hours: Full Time

Salary: £41,378 – £44,917


The Wales Co-operative Centre seeks to employ a dynamic individual to lead the Communities 2.0 project.


Communities 2.0 is a six-year Welsh Assembly Government project which is delivered by the Wales Co-operative Centre, the University of Glamorgan, Carmarthenshire County Council, Novas Scarman, and the Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services.


Communities 2.0 aims to tackle digital exclusion in Convergence areas of Wales by supporting community and voluntary groups, individuals and social enterprises to make better use of technology.  In this way, Communities 2.0 will aim to bridge the digital divide whilst also mitigating some of the social inequalities derived from low incomes, poor health, limited skills or disabilities.


This key appointment will lead and shape Communities 2.0, providing co-ordination and direction to the delivery of the project, acting as the main contact point between the project and its stakeholders, managing internal and external communications, and forging links with the Welsh Assembly Government.


Duties and Responsibilities


  • To keep abreast of Government (Wales, UK and Europe) policy relevant to digital inclusion and align Communities 2.0 project activity to these policies.
  • To work closely with the Digital Inclusion Unit within the Welsh Assembly Government to inform and influence the development of policy and strategy at local and national level in relation to digital inclusion.


  • To work at a senior level with a range of organisations in the public, private and third sectors to develop strategic alliances.


  • To develop a robust evidence base to support investment decisions and priorities within the Communities 2.0 project, through appropriate research and evaluation working closely with the partnership steering group and the Welsh Assembly Government.


  • To support the project’s communications strategy through increasing awareness and understanding of the work of Communities 2.0 within Wales, UK and Europe.


  • To represent Communities 2.0 at events and conferences or facilitate appropriate representation by steering group members.
  • To implement line management support and supervision for the Communities 2.0 management team.
  • To co-ordinate the project partnership at a strategic level, including the planning of steering group meetings.
  • To co-ordinate communications between project partners and the Welsh Assembly Government’s project management board.
  • To prepare and present written reports and other relevant documentation for internal and external stakeholders as required.


Closing Date for receipt of applications is Monday, 5th October 2009.


We cannot accept your CV online so for further details and information on how to apply please contact Maureen Russell on 029 2055 4955

or at the Wales Co-operative Centre, Llandaff Court, Cardiff, CF5 2XP.


For more information about the Wales Co-operative Centre, go online at




Cyflogwr:  Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru

Postio: 15 Medi 2009

Lleoliad: De Ddwyrain Cymru

Diwydiant:  Uwch Swyddog Gweithredol – Trydydd Sector

Contract: Parhaol, ar yr amod bod y cyllid perthnasol yn parhau

Oriau: Amser Llawn

Cyflog: £41,378 – £44,917


Mae Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru yn chwilio am unigolyn deinamig i arwain y prosiect Cymunedau 2.0.


Prosiect chwe blynedd gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yw Cymunedau 2.0 sy’n cael ei ddarparu gan Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru, Prifysgol Morgannwg, Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin, Novas Scarman, a Chymdeithas Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Benfro.


Nod Cymunedau 2.0 yw mynd i’r afael ag eithrio digidol yn ardaloedd Cydgyfeirio Cymru drwy gefnogi grwpiau cymunedol a gwirfoddol, unigolion a mentrau cymdeithasol i ddefnyddio technoleg mewn ffordd well.  Nod Cymunedau 2.0 wrth wneud hyn yw pontio’r bwlch digidol a lleddfu rhai o’r anghydraddoldebau cymdeithasol sy’n deillio o incwm isel, iechyd gwael, sgiliau cyfyngedig neu anableddau ar yr un pryd.


Bydd y penodiad allweddol hwn yn arwain ac yn siapio Cymunedau 2.0, gan roi cydlyniad a chyfeiriad i’r gwaith o gyflwyno’r prosiect, gweithredu fel prif bwynt cyswllt rhwng y prosiect a’i randdeiliaid, gofalu am gyfathrebu mewnol ac allanol, a chreu cysylltiadau â Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.  


Dyletswyddau a Chyfrifoldebau


  • Sicrhau eich bod yn gwybod am y datblygiadau diweddaraf ym mholisïau’r Llywodraeth (Cymru, y DU ac Ewrop) sy’n berthnasol i gynhwysiant digidol a chysoni gweithgareddau’r prosiect Cymunedau 2.0 â’r polisïau hynny.
  • Cydweithio’n agos â’r Uned Cynhwysiant Digidol yn Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru er mwyn cyfrannu at y gwaith o ddatblygu polisïau a strategaethau ar lefel leol a chenedlaethol yng nghyswllt cynhwysiant digidol, a dylanwadu ar y polisïau a’r strategaethau hynny. 


  • Gweithio ar lefel uwch â nifer o sefydliadau a mudiadau yn y sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat, ac yn y trydydd sector, i ffurfio cynghreiriau strategol.


  • Datblygu sylfaen dystiolaeth gadarn i ategu penderfyniadau ynghylch buddsoddi a blaenoriaethau o fewn y prosiect Cymunedau 2.0, drwy waith ymchwil a gwerthuso priodol, gan weithio’n agos â gr?p llywio’r bartneriaeth ac â Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.


  • Cefnogi strategaeth cyfathrebu’r prosiect drwy gryfhau ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o waith Cymunedau 2.0 yng Nghymru, yn y DU ac yn Ewrop.


  • Cynrychioli Cymunedau 2.0 mewn digwyddiadau a chynadleddau neu hwyluso cynrychiolaeth briodol gan aelodau’r gr?p llywio.
  • Trefnu cefnogaeth a goruchwyliaeth rheolwr llinell ar gyfer tîm rheoli Cymunedau 2.0.
  • Cydlynu partneriaeth y prosiect ar lefel strategol, gan gynnwys cynllunio cyfarfodydd y gr?p llywio.
  • Cydlynu cyfathrebu rhwng partneriaid y prosiect a bwrdd rheoli prosiect Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.
  • Paratoi a chyflwyno adroddiadau ysgrifenedig a dogfennau perthnasol eraill ar gyfer rhanddeiliaid mewnol ac allanol yn ôl y galw.


Y Dyddiad Olaf ar gyfer derbyn ceisiadau yw dydd Llun 5ed Hydref 2009.


Ni allwn dderbyn eich CV ar lein, felly i gael mwy o fanylion a gwybodaeth am sut i wneud cais, cysylltwch â Maureen Russell ar 029 2055 4955.

neu yng Nghanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru, Llys Llandaf, Caerdydd, CF5 2XP.


I gael mwy o wybodaeth am Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru, ewch ar-lein yn



By way of a footnote, isn’t ‘Communities 2.0’ is a strange name to choose for a six-year project? If Web 2.0 happened two years ago, who knows how many iterations of our community will have passed by the year 2015.


One Comment

  • Neda Mccully

    One thing I’d prefer to say is the fact that before buying more laptop or computer memory, check out the machine in which it will be installed. In case the machine is running Windows XP, for instance, the particular memory ceiling is 3.25GB. The installation of in excess of this would simply constitute just a waste. Make sure one’s motherboard can handle an upgrade volume, as well. Interesting blog post.

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