Here are three links I wanted to share with you in the area of storytelling, participation and citizenship:
If you’ve got a webcam and a microphone plugged into your computer, you can contribute to this site. It partners with Channel 5 news and is a managable way to get your point across on video. The drawback is that it’s difficult to make a polished piece: good sound and light, memorising something fluid and engaging, looking comfortable in front of the camera, etc. Oftentimes though, the speaker’s passion shines through.
From Mandy Rose
A Flash-based online storytelling tool. You can add photos from Flickr or your computer, upload an audio recording and combine the two to make a digital story. Once registered, the site annoyingly nags you until you upload a photo of yourself. Because it’s a Flash console, you can’t bookmark favourite stories on the site. Best use of this tool is with group photographs where each individual in the picture gives their take on the set-up. Here’s a topical Haloween photo montage:
From DK
Soapbox project at the Royal Festival Hall in London. I’m not sure whether or not what people say will be published online as video.
From Carwyn Evans