education,  Wales

Cyfle recruiting multiplatform creative trainees

Two of the people I worked with while digital storytelling with the Capture Wales team had joined the BBC via Cyfle training courses. Cyfle is now looking for eight people to take part in their Multiplatform Production Scheme for TV Creatives course in Cardiff, Wales, leading to a Post Graduate Certificate – Professional Practice in the Creative Industries. This isn’t a free course; it costs £1,000. It’s a four-month course with industry placement guaranteed. As Cyfle say in their email:

“This is an intensive, hands-on, immersion into the Multiplatform World. In the intensely competitive world of The Media, this course will give you the skills to put you at the head of the pack!”

The cost of the course will cost £1000
Closing date for applications: 24 February 2010
Interviews will be held during the week of 8 March 2010
Scheme start date: 12 April 2010


(via direct email from Cyfle)

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