Presentation at Streaming Media Europe 2006 about Managing Digital Assets, taking Digital Storytelling as a case study, by Gareth Morlais – BBC Wales Digital Storytelling.
Digital Stories are two minute personal films created by the storyteller, using their own photos words and voice.
Slide 1 – The Any List
Rights management becomes easier if you brief authors before production. Digital Storytelling is no different to any other form of content production. Here’s the advice we give:
ANY photos or clips of ‘other people’s children’?
ANY sensitive issue involving a third party in relation to violence, abuse, sexuality, unhappy family background, marital problems, privacy, fairness, etc. which might cause hurt to them or to anyone else now or in the future?
ANY more than 30 seconds of commercial music?
ANY non-commercial music by family or friends?
ANY photos by anyone other than you, your family or friends?
ANY scans or images from newspaper or magazine articles, CD or book covers, the internet, works of art, etc?
ANY grabs or clips of any video other than your family home videos?
ANY scans of maps?
ANY quotes, poems or lines of text written by other people outside your own family?
ANY libellous content?
ANY company brands named or shown?
FINALLY has the impact of your story on the safety of other people, especially children and young people, been considered?
Workflow from submission to publication:
If a video clip (Digital Story) is submitted from outside the publishing organisation, establish ownership, formalise partnership and reach agreement regarding relationship and licensing. View and assess the clip, conduct a rights audit, but don’t clear rights yet. For chosen clips, get consents needed to exhibit (rights-holder’s, storyteller’s and also parents/guardians of under-18s). Clear rights and address other third party issues, then publish. Finally, inform storyteller it’s live.
SLIDE 2 – Dream Deliverables
When it comes to physically managing the assets, here’s a model called Dream Deliverables which we’re looking at for Digital Storytelling:
One data DVD containing three files:
1. full-sized movie file
2. text transcript
3. metadata.txt
Example of content of metadata.txt:
1. statement of copyright holder
2. storyteller name + contact details
3. OK to pass on story + contact details?
4. copyright log
5. any under-18s identifiable?
6. etc.
I showed the following three Digital Stories:
Amy Broadstock – Wintergreen Allan Jeffreys – A Dog’s Life
Written and first published by Gareth Morlais on 17 October 2006.