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Digital Storytelling Pod Ep02-Tamales and Stories with Cheryl Colan

This is the second episode of the audio podcast for digital storytellers: Digital Storytelling Pod with Gareth Morlais. (See ep01 too).

Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3)dspod-ep02.mp3

(Right-click and
‘Save Link As…’ if you’d like to save the audio mp3 file
‘Open Link in New Tab’ if you want to keep the shownotes open)

Cheryl Colan is a digital storyteller and trainer from Phoenix, Arizona, USA. I recorded this interview with Cheryl in Cardiff, Wales, July 2011. She was in the UK leading a Digital Storytelling summer school with Study Abroad Britain. She’s led digital training groups to Australia and her motto is Trust Your Story.

Shownotes: links
Cheryl Colan –
Shelley Rodrigo –
Jim Groom –
About Tamales (Mexican food)
Creative Commons –
DS106 – This is open online digital storytelling course that began at the University of Mary Washington and now thrives as a community of international learners.

There’s more about Cheryl in this Aberth Digital Storytelling Blog post.

The audio is released under Creative Commons license:
Creative Commons Licence
Digital Storytelling Pod Ep01 by Gareth Morlais is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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