• digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  Wales

    News from the Center for Digital Storytelling

    Joe Lambert of CDS just emailed some news that will be of interest to digital storytellers in the UK, Europe and beyond: 1. Joe’s giving the keynote at DS5 – the fifth Digital Storytelling Conference – in Aberystwyth, Wales, on Wednesday 16 June 2010. The cost is GBP15. http://www.dscymru.org.uk/ 2 There’s a CDS Digital Storytelling workshop from the afternoon 17- 19 June 2010 at the Knowledge Lab, London:  http://www.lkl.ac.uk/cms/index.php. The workshop is open to the public and you can find out more about it and register at http://www.storycenter.org/standard.html#london The cost is $495. 3. Lillehmammer Digital Storytelling Conference takes place in Norway from February 5th – 7th 201. It’s the conference’s…

  • digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  story,  Wales

    DS4 Festival of Digital Storytelling 2009 cribsheet

    Telling stories of Llanberis slate and Hollywood features, more than a hundred digital storytellers gathered for the annual digital storytelling festival in Aberystwyth. Here’s my illustrated story of the day… L to R: Annette Mees, Dai Evans (holding the new-technology version of a teaspoon) and Bonnie Shaw. DS4 – 17 June 2009, Aberystwyth Arts Centre Huw Davies showed intergenerational stories based around old silent colour footage of farming in north-east Wales. And announced he’s secured £200k funding for a feature film mixing old and new footage, with the new being shot by 150 especially-trained film-makers/digital storytellers in Rhyl. Annette  Mees described how playing Big Ball Bingo and listening to community-members’…

  • digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  Wales

    DS4 speakers announced

    Just announced: DS4’s programme looks great with  Huw Davies (BBC Capture Wales), Annette Mees (Coney’s Shoreditch Ball Park), Bonnie Shaw (Snap-Shot-Storytelling) and fascinating breakouts. The new DS4 website is live: http://www.aberystwythartscentre.co.uk/DS4/  and you can book online for £14.50.

  • digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  story,  Wales

    DS4 call for stories

    If you or your organisation would like screen-space to show digital stories – or to have your own stand – at DS4, Sophie Bennett of Aberystwyth Arts Centre can help. Her contact details are  sob at aber dot ac dot uk Tel. 01970 622338. DS4 takes place in Aberystwyth on 17th June 2009.

  • digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  empowerment,  instruction,  media literacy,  story,  tips,  Wales

    Aberystwyth DS4 Festival advance details

    Here are the latest details about the fourth annual festival of digital storytelling in Aberystwyth, Wales, on Wednesday 17 June 2009, from a press release from Aberystwyth Arts Centre: Following on from the success of DS3 the fourth festival of Digital Storytelling DS4 aims to inspire and encourage and show the exciting possibilities of Digital Storytelling and brings you up to date with what is happening in the world of Digital Storytelling. Whether you work in education, the community or as an artist, it is your opportunity to share experiences, explore new creative ideas, see the latest technological developments, look at examples of best practice in the U.K. and worldwide…

  • digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  Wales

    DS3 Festival of Digital Storytelling – cribsheet

    I’ve just returned from the DS3 Festival of Digital Storytelling at Aberystwyth Arts Centre. It was another successful festival, following on from and expanding on last year’s DS2. People had travelled from all over Wales and Britain. I met delegates from Belfast, USA and there was someone who’d come from New Zealand too. Day1 – Thursday 5 June 2008 A Public Voice – Digital storytelling, narrative and pedagogy. By Prof. Hamish Fyfe & Susie Pratt, University of Glamorgan; Karen Lewis, Lisa Heledd, BBC Cymru Wales Karen Lewis set the context of the research that’s being done with AHRC support. Hamish Fyfe gave a description of storytelling across the ages and…

  • digital storytelling,  DS Cymru,  Wales

    Festival of Digital Storytelling 2008

    Registration is now open for Wales’s third annual Festival of Digital Storytelling at Aberystwyth Arts Centre on Thursday 5th and Friday 6 June 2008. And – wearing my DS Cymru member hat – I’d like to invite you to come 🙂 Yes, DS3 has expanded to two days this year and, as it says on the website: “Whether you work in education, the community or as an artist, it is your opportunity to share experiences, explore new creative ideas, see the latest technological developments, look at examples of best practise in the U.K. and worldwide and celebrate the growing significance of Digital Storytelling” I’m really looking forward to this year’s…

  • DS Cymru,  Wales

    DS1 Digital Storytelling Conference 20-23 June 2006 Aberystwyth Arts Centre

    Daniel Meadows presented the morning keynote at DS1 in Aberystwyth. No matter how many times I hear Daniel speak, I always learn something new. His insistence on everyone having access to the mass media is fantastic. Big media could learn lots by listening to him. One of my first introductions to digital storytelling was the Great Canadian Story Engine website. Ana Serrano was behind this project. She was also involved in one of my favourite location-based story projects – murmur – run by Shawn Micalef and friends. Ana began her DS1 keynote in Aberystwyth by re-telling Twm Morus’s story about a farmhouse extension blocking a fairies’ highway and drew analogies…